Kiana M.
This weight loss program for me by far has been the most unbelievably successful & enjoyable program ever. The best part is that u start seeing results quite quickly.
I never thought I would look so getting my diets every week.
If u stick to the diets& supplements as told,u will not only lose weight in a v healthy manner but all ur cravings for bad foods will gradually go away (even a sweet tooth).
Each diet is appropriately customized for ur age & body type& condition.It helps to target ur health issues which (at my age 53) was v important for me.
Also My 17 yr old daughter who also started this program has been getting amazing results.
Most importantly i have to mention that all this would have not been possible w/ out the knowledge & warm personality of Dr.jafroudi & Dearest Ariana as they r v patient & compassionate & go way out of their way to make it as easy as possible for each patient.
I have so much respect & gratitude for their hard work & educating us in this important subject of how to lead a healthier life & even more important how to maintain it as a way of life.